Saturday, September 17, 2005


........ and to my fellow fans

when i first came across this band, i promised myself that one day i'm going to make them ad designs. finally, after 5 years (whoa) of being a fan, i managed to find time (and thank God for that) to create the long overdue designs. unfortunately i couldn't find any high resolution pictures i liked so i had to make do with pixelated copies. anyhoo, i couldn't increase the pixels otherwise risking more image distortion so i played with colors a bit and, using of course, my current black and white poster style (it will get old someday, i'm sure)....... i have to say thanks mainly to and to others, etc, etc..
(had to take them pictures from somewhere.....)

aia de leon, tim cacho, zach lucero and myrene academia


i don't get to see their gigs, nor do i know them personally


but i' ve been singing their songs for five years now and i think will still be singing them, till my voice will nothing be but a dry and brittle sound ..................