Saturday, October 09, 2010

On Top Of My Head

I want to go back to:
high school and play volleyball every break. including dismissal.

I am weirded out by:
socks that have toes

I am glad that:
today i read about grapefruit being the 20th century name of what was once known as pomelo in the 17th.

I want to:
smell the night air in baguio especially since it's already October

I need to:
sort out how to get out of my current slump of a life

I am willing to:
give up my current career in exchange for the ideal one

I understand:
the risks

I wish I:
had the money to treat my parents to a grand vacation

I think I:
will be able to do that once I do land my ideal job (cause that "ideal" includes a very high salary)

may lose my way but since I hope, hussle and pray everyday, I do not worry too much because

I believe that:
God provides

1 comment:

Pablo (yo) said...

Great blog!
If you like, come back and visit mine:

Pablo from Argentina